Based on Hans Christian Andersen tale “King’s New Clothes”.
This performance for children is a contemporary staging of the tale. Performance will transfer spectators to the kingdom full of colourful and stylish inhabitants, while meeting with a King is only possible via video call. Although the King has more clothes then there are inhabitants in whole kingdom, nothing satisfies him. Concerned public and fearful ministers embark on a journey to find most wonderful clothes.
Only one question – how many of attendees will be able to see new king’s clothes. H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” speaks about moral dilemma – say the truth or lie? This author’s idea is not forgotten by Klaipėda Youth Theatre as they choose contemporary elements, that enrich performance’s forma and transforms story into playful and captivating performance. Urge to be yourself and say only things that you believe in will be activated after seeing this comically absurd story.
Director: Valentinas Masalskis
Scenographer: Paulė Bocullaitė
Music: Gytis Šimelionis
Video projections: Paulė Bocullaitė, Artūras Lepiochinas, Tomas Jurginas
Lights: Artūras Lepiochinas
Cast: Gytis Šimelionis, Paulius Pinigis, Donatas Želvys, Donatas Stakėnas (Gediminas Povilavičius), Artūras Lepiochinas (Kristupas Biržietis), Laima Akstinaitė, Rugilė Latvėnaitė
Duration: 35 min
Premiere: December 17, 2017